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Ultraman Quiz King (ウルトラマンクイズ王 [キング]) is a CD-ROM-based game show for the Pippin Atmark console, featuring characters from various Ultraman television series.[1]


Ultraman Quiz King was released in Japan as a hybrid disc for Pippin and Macintosh by Bandai Digital Entertainment on July 5, 1996.[1][2]

A Windows version was released separately.[3][4]



  1. 1.0 1.1 ウルトラマンクイズ王 (Japanese), Third Stage. Archived 1999-09-20.
  2. Soft View: ウルトラマンクイズ王 Pippin & PowerMac (Japanese), Atmark Channel. Archived 1999-08-25.
  3. ウルトラマンクイズ王, Suruga-Ya. Accessed 2017-05-17.
  4. Soft View: ウルトラマンクイズ王 Windows95 (Japanese), Atmark Channel. Archived 1999-08-25.

See also

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