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Circus! (サーカス!) is a CD-ROM-based entertainment title that was released for the Pippin Atmark console in 1996.[1]


According to Voyager Company, the publisher:[2]

Circus! features eight games starring a cast of original characters: clowns Max and Dynamite, Carmelita the singing parrot, Rex the magician, and others; Fun exercises that teach pattern recognition, estimation, sequencing, and even some basic physics along with dance steps and great songs; Musical instruments that leave trails of color as you play, and a mysterious magic trunk full of tricks.


Circus! was developed by Matra Hachette Multimedia and first released as a hybrid disc by Voyager Company for Windows 3.1 and Macintosh in the United States in November 1994,[3] and in Europe in 1995.[4]

The Pippin version was released in Japan on July 5, 1996.[5] A memory module with at least 2MB of RAM must be added to the default console configuration for the game to run.[6]



  1. PIPPIN@MARK software release list (Japanese), Retrogeme. Accessed 2017-05-03.
  2. Circus! by Ayshe Farman-Farmaian, Voyager, Matra Hachette. 1994. OCLC: 33068779.
  3. Circus CD-ROM, Book Depository. Accessed 2017-05-12.
  4. Circus! Releases, MobyGames. Accessed 2017-05-12.
  5. Circus!, Third Stage. Archived 1999-09-16.
  6. Let’s Play Apple Pippin: Circus! (French) by Pierre Dandumont, Journal du Lapin. 2018-03-18.

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